Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Titbits from Today

Several random points to pick up so to address in no particular order.

Train Farce: This evening was another joyous journey home - resulting in me getting in the door a little after 9pm, around 90 minutes after I should have returned. The cause was a fatality at Earlsfield, but after having multiple trains come into Woking (where I change trains), stop, mis-announce where they were stopping, let you board, force you to return to the platform it became clear that noone had any semblence of a clue as to what was actually going on. To add a final mockery to the journey, as a train finally arrived that was headed to Surbiton, which I boarded - a second train pulled up on the neighbouring platform, announced it was going to Surbiton also, closed its doors and left before my train did.

Car Update: So we're the proud owner(s) of a car now. Chrissi went about the purchasing of said vehicle today, went to do a shop with it and then returned home later on to park it. I will likely try and drive to work tomorrow morning - which makes me a little nervous, although not the thought of driving itself - mainly that it's an automatic. While that should make it easier, having not driven one I'm not entirely sure what to expect, bizarrely!

Christmas Preparedness: It's now a week until Christmas and I have little done or organised that I should have done. Fortunately with Chrissi having finished work, I can helpfully let her take care of much of our joint gifts to other family members.

1 comment:

Relaya said...

Too late now, probably, but ya shoulda taken a test drive or maybe ya planned to leave earlier. Congrats on the new car! What kind did ya get? Haven't checked yet, but hopefully one of you posted pics or plan to soon?