Friday, December 14, 2012


This evening was the work Christmas party, but it was odd for me because I left somewhat early - a little before 11 - so as to get home. I ended up having drastically overestimated my time to journey to the station, ending up there about 12 minutes before my train departed (meaning that I could have at least stayed for another few minutes).

The twelve minute wait for my train left me with a fair amount of time for thinking (I didn't particularly feel like digging into my pockets and trying to sort out hooking up my earphones to my phone in the cold to listen to some music). Oddly despite the fact I'd enjoyed myself at the party, I was feeling oddly self-reflective and poignant. Not sure why, either. Perhaps it was because I'd ended up leaving relatively early, or had had to rush off to make my train (or hadn't had to rush off, as hindsight proved) and had not had the chance to say goodbye to many people as a result.

I'm still in a reflective mood even now. I think it may be simply because I just don't go out as much now as I used to. The last year I've just not gone out after work for drinks as I commonly did a couple of times a week before, in a large part due to the different culture and groups of people at my new work. I don't spend much time catching up with people, despite knowing I should and often trying on occasions. Perhaps it's something I can work on better over the next few weeks when people will be around more, and in the new year going forward too.

Or maybe it was just me over-thinking things in a cold evening while boredly waiting for a train!

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