Sunday, December 09, 2012


I've admittedly cheated again this weekend, and had to reissue blogs that had never been written on time. This is mostly due to my new sleeping pattern - I would usually blog towards the end of the day (giving me more time to actually find something to write about), and when I'm tired and fall asleep unexpectedly this tends to mean I miss out.

I'm trying to avoid repeating the same pattern now - it's a little before 9:30pm but I can feel myself flagging. I want to stay up for another couple of hours, or at least until between 10 and 11, to avoid waking too early. Today, bizarrely for a Sunday, I was awake from around 6am and eventually got up at 8. As per yesterday's blog, the main achievement of this early rise was that my morning was filled with daily quests.

Chrissi and I did also do a lot of research into potential cars that we would be due to purchase - she will need one to get to her work, and it makes sense to start hunting as it will be easier to have it in place before the Christmas period so we can make trips and visits with greater ease.

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