Saturday, December 15, 2012

Theme Ended

So I've been playing about with titling themes over the past fortnight, and decided that it's distinctly too limiting to try and summarise each blog in a single word, starting with a pre-set letter. Considering I've been only doing this for 14 entries based on two common letters, it makes you wonder how authors stayed sane while trying similar linguistic tricks - the famous lipographic effort of the novel Gadsby which contains 50,000 words none of which holding a letter 'e' being the most notorious example of this.

Today Chrissi and I were looking at cars - with more purpose than the last time we were browsing. We test drove two vehicles - I say we, but Chrissi was the one behind the wheel - and I got to impersonate someone who knew about cars by walking around it, looking at it and testing various things to make sure they were in good working order. The impression looked convincing enough to Chrissi!

After having the hard sell from one dealer who was desparate for us to walk out of there with the vehicle then and there, and a softer sell from a second dealer - it was admittedly quite pleasureable trying to negotiate down their prices or to force them to increase what they were including - we didn't end up buying anything on the day. We wanted a little time to look over the options again having had a bit of reflection and the make the decision later without the pressure of someone sitting beside us as we discussed it!

We have likely picked out the one we want, however - and as Chrissi is off this coming week she will be able to go and handle the purchase, collection and delivery!