Saturday, December 29, 2012

Homeward Bound

I tried to think of a band or song to equal the use of 'Journey' for the trip up to Chester, but failed. Although considering the multitude of bands that exist somewhere, to resort to cliche like I have means you're still fairly likely to stumble across one by accident.

Today's journey back was interesting to say the last. We left early, a little after 7am, to make the most of roads mostly free of traffic. It was raining as we left, but just as we started to get onto the motorways it was heaving down. Visibility was ridiculously low - you could barely see in front of you - and it was not very pleasant driving! Luckily everyone was being sensible about the driving and were all tucked in, leaving huge distance and not going more than about 50-60mph.

I had said to Chrissi that there were services in 5 miles, and if it continued like that I was going to pull over there and have a break - that weather couldn't last too long, and it'd be sensible to wait it out for 10-15 minutes as opposed to keep driving in that. As it was, within 5 miles it had cleared up and was only heavy rain (which now seemed laughably straightforward). I drove the M53-M56-M6-M42-M40 leg, and at the first services on the M40 we stopped for a stretch of the legs and breakfast.

From there, Chrissi drove the rest of the way back home (M40-M25-A3 leg) - including the M25 not being entirely ground to a halt, a near miraculous occurance. We made it home at a little before midday, which was a decent effort.

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