Thursday, December 13, 2012


So today was my third driving test, and the first one I've taken for a little over nine years - when I failed for the second time a couple of weeks before I started university. It seems a long time ago now considering everything that's changed in my life since then!

Overall, learning how to drive (or perhaps refreshing myself with how to drive is more accurate) was much less arduous this time around. In part it's due to having been on the road that much more, as a passenger and pedestrian, and being that much more familiar and aware. In another part it's not having everything that surrounds learning to drive as a teenager and the freedom / responsibility / independence that it represents.

It was probably this as much as anything else that led to me being not at all nervous for my test this time. It was comfortable, relaxing and I never had any real problems - it all went very smoothly, was over quickly and was in hindsight rather straightforward. I even had time for an impromptu emergency stop (well, they should all be impromptu!) when a schoolgirl walked out without bothering to look in front of me at a crossing that was red for her and green for me.

As the above paragraph and title may have implied, I passed comfortably with only two minor faults in the test. Now I need to start considering getting a vehicle of my own and driving to work instead of relying on the trains!

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