Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Rained In

Today is December 26th, or Boxing Day as it is known here in the UK. For my non-UK readers, which make up at least 50% of my audience, perhaps more, this is a bank holiday and so the second of our days off (we don't have Christmas Eve off).

Today has been marked by ... so far very little. We had planned on going out for a walk - the idea being that some fresh air and a bit of exercise were probably overdue following our eating the previous day. However, the elements conspired against us as the rain fell continually - at some points it was perhaps bearable, but it never eased up long enough for it to become a serious prospect. [Considering the flooding taking place in some parts of the country, it seems a little churlish to complain about the rain affecting our potential exercise plan!]

We instead sat around, ate a little, played a game and as you can tell, then retired to our respective entertainments - I am currently writing my blog for the day, and wondering whether to cheat and put one in place for tomorrow already.

Tomorrow I'm not quite blessed with as much free time as I'm officially working again. Once more I'll be working remotely, and hoping to avoid the issues that affected me on Monday, which should be straightforward enough as long as I steer clear of the caps lock button! I have a few things to do for work tomorrow, but failing that it gives me the opportunity to start on many other things that I'd like to do but never find the time to do it in. A couple of days of isolation may be just what is required for this.

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