Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Blog

My dedication to a blog-a-day effort has extended as far as to be blogging even on Christmas Day. I thought this was the first time that I'd done so, but a quick check back through my archives revealed that I'd also spent a little of my Christmas in 2007 making a post.

Five years later, here I am again making the effort once more. Today has been a pleasant day - spent with family, relaxed and not too much really required. Some nice gifts were exchanged, but it was more about the enjoyable company than anything else particularly. We also had the rare achievement of balancing out a Christmas meal which was at a sensible size - I say we, as if Chrissi and I had some part in it, but the cooking this year was handled by Dad.

One thing we were remiss on - amongst all the relaxing and eating, that we didn't actually get to watch Doctor Who! As in Chrissi's mind this is one of the key events of Christmas Day - and in fact how she got hooked on it in the first place when she watched it here several years back on Christmas - this is quite surprising. We have enough time over the next few days to catch up with it though!


Relaya said...

Why couldn't ya have watched Who?

Lorelei said...

It was on during Christmas dinner :( Such blasphemy in this house.