Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Scant Tales

Having worked at home the past two days, I've little in the way of information and stories to share - mostly this happens when I go outside. Today I was working from home in the most part because I wanted to isolate myself from annoying distractions while working on a document that had long needed finishing - and also because I was absolutely shattered this morning and didn't feel like getting out of bed. With my laptop already at home after working from home yesterday around my meeting, it was too tempting.

Despite the lack of interesting tales to relay, I find myself surprisingly more productive at home. I don't constantly stop for coffee or water or toilet breaks (the latter brought on by the first two). I obviously am not chatting with others at any point, and will typically start earlier and finish later without realising just because I'm not thinking about the train I need to get.

Today I managed to take this to a new height by using my lunch break to do the washing up and tidy the kitchen. Most unusual! But I'm back into work tomorrow so I'm sure I'll see something to inspire me to post about then.

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