Monday, November 26, 2012


Today was an efficient day from a reading perspective as after a while of not picking up a new book I started to read the Hunger Games series. Chrissi got this for Christmas last year, and brought it out for her mother to read when we were here in July. I had planned on reading these then but never got around to it.

The series comprises three books, of which the first roughly corresponds to the film that was out last year. Films are due to be made of the other two books as well. I started the first book at around 8am when I got up, and had finished it a little after midday. As I was making good progress I then decided to move straight onto the second book, which I had finished by around 7pm (including pauses to eat, shower and go out).

This left me with time to move onto the third book, which I started around 8pm (well, I read a little while watching two Big Bang Theory episodes between 7 & 8) and kept reading until I was done - finishing a little after midnight. The end result of the day was that I'd finished the entire series in a little over twelve hours reading.

Overall it was a good series with a decent pace to it - as you might have suspected by the speed I went through the trilogy. There were enough surprising twists in the latter two books as well (I knew the plot of the first one as the film followed the book fairly closely). The third book was a little more disappointing however - it didn't seem to resolve satisfactorily, although up to that point there was a lot of tension.

An enjoyable day's reading, all in all.

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