Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Catching Up

Tonight was quite an effort on the blogging front as I managed to write four blogs - which is somewhat cheating as I'm backfilling from my days off. I had blogs planned, but never got around to actually writing them! I knew if I didn't sit down and actually put metaphorical pen to metaphorical paper then I would never actually write them and I would slip slowly into blogging inactivity.

However, the slip has been averted. Yesterday I was working from home so that I could take my driving lesson in the evening straight after work hours had finished - the first time I had driven in the dark, which was interesting. I should also make the point - although it's slightly counter-productive to do so - that I was actually on time for work yesterday by virtue of getting up at least fifteen minutes before I had to start. I also got so into my work and focused on finishing things before moving on that I didn't actually remember to have my lunch until 3pm.

Tonight has been a tidying evening of activity - preparations for going away are in full flow, which for my part means tidying up large piles of washing so that I have enough clean clothes to wear, and ironing the clean clothes so that the airer can be cleared for the next laundry load! This was attacked tonight with moderate success, and we'll see if we can repeat the trick tomorrow.

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