Thursday, November 08, 2012

Productive Evening

Tonight was poker, so I was home later and therefore missed Hunted - will have to catch up with that tomorrow and share my thoughts on that. This weekend I'm headed up to Chester to see Dad, so I'll have to prepare a blog for Saturday and Sunday in advance - because otherwise I'm going to leave this empty. I leave early on Saturday morning and arrive late back on Sunday.

My observation from last night, where I had a sudden surge of activity (tidying, cleaning, washing and ironing) was that it's much lazier on the ironing when I'm working from home, or going to meetings. For the latter I can call on my reserve of smart shirts, and don't have to pull from my regular pile. For the former, I can laze about all day and work in my pyjamas and dressing gown perfectly efficiently. However, going to work at least requires me to flatten out a t-shirt.

Next weekend we head off to the States for two weeks on holiday - so I need to spend some of the time inbetween getting prepared for that. One of the tasks that raises its ugly head is ironing - just so I have enough clothes presentable enough both for holiday, and importantly for when I come back too!

This evening's blog, I also note, is the 666th in its history. An unusual landmark, if not one that the traditional significance attached to actually represents.

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