Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bite My Tongue

So far since we've been in the States the main activity for me and Chrissi has been spending time with family. As I alluded to in the second part of my 2011 Thanksgiving flashback blog, one of Chrissi's aunts has been ill with cancer and while still hanging on in there, is honestly at this point on her last legs. She's been living with (and looked after by) Chrissi's parents for the last year, so this has been the main focus of our stay so far.

The title of this blog is a reference to the number of family members who seem to be oblivious to what is actually happening - as well as what is inevitably going to happen. People have been here both Sunday and Monday, and this will likely continue for the rest of the week - and the amount of attention paid where it should have been has been staggeringly negligent.

I have been quite reticent in my comments - unusually, you may note - simply because I'm the least involved here and am aware of that, even if I have a better grasp of what's been happening the last year. It's going to be a good trick to keep that up for an entire fortnight, however, particularly if this theme continues.

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