Saturday, November 24, 2012

Correct Date & Time

Today is the first blog for a few days where I haven't needed to correct the date and time to fit into the correct day for the UK timezone - as I start writing this it's only a little after midday, so I still have over three hours left to post this before the clocks hit midnight back home.

The more observant among you will notice that I've abandoned my recent titling run - having done this before twice in 2010, I was again taking inspiration from a single band's discography. In this case it was The Ataris - no particular reason other than their song Takeoffs and Landings came to me when I was casting around for a blog title on Saturday, and then the theme followed from there for the rest of the week.

One thing that I've discovered on re-reading old blogs (I was hunting for when I had used the themes previously) is that I badly need to proof-read before I actually publish. There are errors scattered throughout and I feel the need as I read through to make minor corrections to posts that are years old and are likely never to be read again! Oh, the curse of perfectionism!

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