Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fog & Farce

Today was another day where I was working from home for a few hours, then attending a meeting for the rest of the day. Like September, today this involved a visit to Gaydon to visit Jaguar Land Rover. The trip out was uneventful - although as I did fall asleep on the train coming out of London and wake up to find myself surrounded by fog-clad countryside, I did wonder just where I was and how long I'd been asleep.

The meeting went without incident, but the return journey was farcical - I missed a train by one minute, and the train fifteen minutes later was delayed by nearly three times that amount - meaning that I was waiting at the station for about an hour. Excuses for the delays were cable theft and signalling problems, which made for a nice mess. I got home later than planned, worked later than planned and this made for an all round annoyance.

However, penultimate Hunted recap! This was the first time we watched it at the scheduled time, and we gained absolutely nothing by doing so. The main star the hat returned this week, covering Sam's head as she made a secret raid on top-secret Hourglass firm. Having snuck carefully around the building, retrieved a file, killed a henchman and got away, she then stared gormlessly at a surveillance camera. I would have thought this came under the headings of 'things not to do' in spy school.

Also in competent spy actions, Natalie who is the MI6 section deputy who was sleeping with and blackmailing Aidan the Mole who is not in fact called Aidan (no, I'm not keeping track either). She also revealed her spycraft by going straight to the person she suspected and talking loudly about how something had happened to leak these files - look, these ones here. If this is how good the opponents are no wonder the Hourglass plot is successful.

We even got a hint of Hourglass plot as well - in classic evil firm ends-justify-the-means style in foreign climes, a Pakistani village had been conveniently gassed to make way for the much-trumpeted dam, and for the record we still don't know why Jack Turner is trying to buy the bloody thing. He is blackmailing Hourglass firm to try and get the contract, making for a bizarre web of relations here.

Speaking of webbed relations, Stephen Turner once more demonstrated his utter uselessness. Last week's dossier on Sam was a couple of fingerprints which she brushed off with some unbelieveable excuse and then convinced him to leave his father. He later had the complete opposite conversation with his father - confronting him and then believing him utterly when he was told how Sam was a spy and his father was the only one he could trust. This man allegedly went to Oxford, clearly taking a degree in agreeing with the last thing someone said to him.

I've no idea how Chrissi and I are going to see the last episode, but it's been chaotically farcical fun so I for one would love to see how they're going to try and draw this towards a conclusion - particularly as we're not scheduled for a series 2.

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