Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Current Day (In Theory)

Yesterday was again spent in part entertaining Chase - that's two consecutive days we've been awoken by him jumping onto the bed with us and demanding we pay attention to him. As I don't think I've explained properly, Chase is the two-and-three-quarter year old child of Chrissi's neighbour (and long-standing childhood friend). He is babysat by Chrissi's mother and so we see him a fair amount.

Yesterday he was particularly sulky about sharing Chrissi, insisting she was his Chrissi and throwing a fit if I went near her. He is very insistent about putting people where he thinks they should be, so instructions typically focus around 'you sit there'.

As well as Chase-sitting, we also caught up with some of Chrissi's school-friends in the evening from her masters programme in Counselling. I know the majority of them reasonably well also by this point, and it was good to see them as well - an enjoyable evening with good food, good company and good conversation.

Catching up to today, I'm currently writing this in late morning before Chrissi and I are due to go out and meet another friend of hers/ours, who she used to work with, for a lunchtime date. This should be good fun, I'm looking forward to it - although I think my waistline is starting to protest at the number of mealtime meetups we are scheduling for this visit.

This evening Chrissi and her mother are due to see the final film in the Twilight abomination series. I didn't even have to opt out of participating as it was quite clear to all that I had no interest in going, which neatly gives them an opportunity to spend time together and for both of them to see the film as well, while I don't have to explain why it's pitiful. This gives me an opportunity to do some writing as well while they're out, so in the theme of yesterday's blog we'll see if I make any progress.

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