Saturday, September 01, 2012

Turning the Page

Today's blog is focused around stopping a slip from becoming a slide - as I have not posted since Wednesday, it would be easy to revert to type [or rather a lack of typing] and stop posting altogether. Which would be a shame, as I do enjoy writing.

Thursday's blog was postponed because ... actually, I forget why. Possibly I didn't have anything interesting to say and decided to actually not share it as a result. Friday I had the page open to write, but as my computer crashed (see last week's blog) before I had time to write, it never got written. Today it simply hasn't happened yet.

Today was tiring but unproductive - what I did achieve was getting my haircut. In addition to that, I watched the first episode in the new Doctor Who series - not bad, will see how the series goes I think - and Chrissi and I also watched the majority of the Angels vs Mariners baseball. This was the first time in months that I think we watched a game that the Angels ended up winning - it's a nice change.

The game tomorrow is on at a UK-friendly time, so hopefully we can continue our streak.

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