Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Five Years

I was going to add something more insightful today, but instead it's an amusing note that approximately five years after Chrissi and I both started playing World of Warcraft - and it is somewhat confusing to refer to her as Chrissi and not by her character name - today for the first time we actually raided together at a maximum level raid.

I've always played more than she has - pesky things like masters degrees getting in the way, plus time zones being a bit of a bother on the European servers as an American, and being at work when events were taking place. We played at weekends, but it was only in July that Chrissi got up to maximum level. Typically when we've played we've often gone to old places instead out of interest as opposed to levelled - so she has been more sluggish in her journey to 70/80/85 as the level cap became with successive expansions.

Of course, this means we have three weeks with her at maximum level, able to raid, until the next expansion, Mists of Pandaria, hits - and we have to persuade her up the levels again to join in! But it was nice for an evening at least!

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