Friday, September 21, 2012

Look, No Biscuits!

While I increasingly attempt to be far better behaved about what I eat and in my general pursuit of healthiness, I do have one enemy which is hard to beat. The nefarious biscuit tin at work.

This is admittedly a self-inflicted enemy, as all the finest creations in tragic literature are; my Frankenstein's monster, if you will. Back in February I bought a biscuit tin on lunchtime as we often had biscuits which we shared between our small team. This has since become an instution, with a donation pot beside it and the majority of the office now will wander past the project team desks once or twice a day and take a biscuit.

As I sit close to the biscuit tin, I am especially vulnerable to its seductive charm. I am a fan of most biscuits, so will regularly help myself - not assisted by the fact that it sits in my eyeline on my return from the kitchen to my desk with a cup of coffee, suggestively winking at me that I do want a biscuit to go with my drink.

Anyway, today I resisted its charms entirely, something that's rarely done. All it took was willpower, enough distraction and actually having a lot of work to do that meant I wasn't wandering around as much!

1 comment:

Relaya said...

LOL! Great. Now I have the visual of food winking at ya. :-P Though I guess it's better than some of the cereal commercials with full on faces, sticking tongues out and stuff.