Wednesday, August 29, 2012


One thing that I did upon restarting my blog was, quite logically, to re-read everything that I had read before. As I had forgotten about it for nearly a year, it was almost like new material. I was surprised to find in there (amongst the many pithy and banal blogs) that there were some odd moments of humour, the occasional sparkle of insight and a lot of randomness.

One thing that I was inspired to do, however, on re-reading my old blogs was to start to poke people who I have not poked for far too long. I mean this in the figurative sense, and not in the literal Facebook poking sense, and what it resulted in was me sending several messages to people who I hadn't messaged or spoken to for far too long.

Whether I get any (or many) responses back - I already have one - remains to be seen, but at least for my part I feel that I'm making an effort to reconnect with lots of friends who by dint of laziness (on both parts) and distance I simply haven't spoken to for far too long.

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