Saturday, September 29, 2012


With my Dad and Gill down here for two days, and surprisingly lazy and unproductive evenings that didn't result in blogs for either Friday or Saturday, I have several things that I had planned to post but never did. I've cheated and filled them in for the relevant days, hopefully you won't feel to offended.

Today was due to be a relaxing day that would possibly involve me getting into Mists of Pandaria as it was the first day I had a chance to review it. However, there was a mistake with the pre-order from Amazon which meant it was never sent - namely, that the order of just over the total of my gift certificate left me with a amount requiring payment of about 50p. My bank took issue with this payment, the entire order was cancelled and I didn't notice any of the emails about it because I don't monitor the email hooked to my Amazon account too closely.

I did re-order, this time juggling gift certificates so that I was under the limit and wasn't at risk of cancellation - but it's not due to arrive until Monday, Tuesday or perhaps even Wednesday. I'll just pick it up when I get round to it I suppose!

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