Friday, September 17, 2010


So this one is technically not today, what with it being 1:50 as I write this - but I'm post-dating it to just before midnight as in my mind, it's still Friday.

I write this after returning from a rather geeky evening with people from work - playing computer games for most of the evening. Quite enjoyable - featuring Mario Kart (which I was as usual pitiful on, besides for on average 1/3 laps when I would somehow do okay, then lose it on the rest) and also the epic Halo 3.

This was exceedingly fun, and after taking probably a couple of hours to familiarise myself again with how it works, I was getting better once more. Not as good as the two people who own it, however. But still not terrible. Although it's hard to tell - as the evening progressed, were my skills being honed, or were others just degrading as they consumed more alcohol?

Either way, it was a hilariously enjoyable night and became far too comically competitive at times too. Yelling at the screen, each other, far too much excitement. Most entertaining though!

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