Monday, September 20, 2010

Football Report

So after a week off last week due to insufficient people (5 people makes one 5-a-side team but not much of a 5-a-side game), this week football was on again, with actually enough players to have a proper game too - ten turned up. I had one of my not terrible games, which is rare enough, and also put a lot more into it than my previous game - i.e. it actually counted as exercise rather than me strolling about and occasionally kicking a ball!

My journey home was interrupted by annoying train issues, meaning it took half an hour longer than necessary. Frustrating but tolerable I suppose, in the grand scheme of things! Since being home I have completed my one compulsory task for the evening, that being the packing of my graphics card to take to work tomorrow to - hopefully - complete the final piece of the jigsaw puzzle and have a working computer tomorrow night.

Could it be? We will see!

1 comment:

Relaya said...

You mean all this time I thought wow how impressive, he's going out to play sports and you were just tralalaing? :P