Thursday, September 23, 2010

One of Those Days

This evening I was meant to be going out after work - I was going into London with a couple of work people and would meet other former work people for a drink and general convivial conversation and so on. However, this plan did not transpire.

Mainly because I had a not-so-good day, which meant I was not in the mood and recognised this fairly well, which was unusually smart of me. Several irritating things happened today at work which I am trying to put down to a day of bad coincidences and not an overwhelming landslide of annoyance.

Also, it was raining torrentially at lunch and I got absolutely soaked through. I didn't have my umbrella with me either, although I don't think it'd have done to much good anyway - it was that torrential. This was the only time throughout the day that it would do that too.

Then when I got home, I found the answer to my WoW patching issue, about five minutes after I'd uninstalled WoW and deleted all the libraries in an attempt to start all over again. So we start the whole process from scratch!

As I said - one of those days!

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