Thursday, August 22, 2013

When Does Unusual But Regular Become Routine?

Tonight was another successful gym trip - it's almost to the point that this is routine and mundane and not worth commenting on, but for novelty alone I'll keep bringing it up. I managed to get home quicker from work, so Chrissi and I ignored this entirely and still managed to leave for the gym at the same time. This week I repeated and slightly extended the same routine that I did last week, yet found myself struggling considerably less by the finish. I suspect that on the achievement level this only proves that I was starting from such a low base that all I've done is drag my fitness out of the trench where it was skulking and bring it up to somewhere approaching ground level. At best.

In today's songs that I thought of that were blindingly obvious that I forgot to include on Monday's playlist: Pink by Aerosmith and Yellow by Coldplay. It's not as if I needed to do much more than think of the colour for either!

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