Sunday, August 18, 2013

Best of Intentions

I had meant to blog yesterday. These meants don't add up to much, however, but the thought was there. I'd planned on doing this at many different times throughout the day - in the morning, before we went to the gym; after we went to the gym and before we went out, when we got home - but in the end simply didn't make it.

The gym was good but hard work - we were really pushed again this session, which was probably good but left us feeling really sore afterwards! Both yesterday and today were a struggle as a result of this lingering soreness, of protesting muscles. I was surprised - I didn't realise I had muscles there, or if they are they've never done anything which which could explain why they're protesting having had it easy for so long.

I'm not sure either of us are going to incorporate this particular session of pain into a regular routine. It felt effective but the lack of breaks between exercises really hurt. We would have to take it pretty slow to start with at least! I've been up to this point debating with myself as to whether this feeling a day and a half later is good, because I worked that hard - or bad, because I clearly never work hard enough for that to hurt that much! Jury is still out on that one, but the longer it goes on the more it leans towards the latter!

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