Thursday, August 08, 2013

Impromptu Naps

The last few days at work have been rather stressful, which has been somewhat annoying. Nothing particular - just lots of rather divisive arguments and aggressive 'discussions'. A couple of projects are taking a lot more time, effort and work than they should do, resulting in a somewhat tense feel for everyone involved. As a result, I'm looking forward to the weekend a lot more keenly than usual.

This evening following poker I came in, lay down on the sofa and fell asleep. Lay down is an inaccuracy - I sat down lying back at an odd angle, with my shoes still on so my body was part-suspended in midair and part-reclining. The main result was that I awoke a couple of hours later feeling the effects of dozing in such an odd position! I'm not quite sure why I dozed off - it's not as if poker itself was that tiring - I suspect it's the after effects of a long and busy week catching up with me! This will now obviously result in a strange bedtime tonight and stumbling through tomorrow until I can properly sort my sleeping out at the weekend!

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