Friday, August 23, 2013

Source Of Easy Amusement

This week I've had a source of constant amusement at work with a mondegreen that I picked up on Monday and have entertained myself with by repeating whenever it still fits.

On Monday, while showing around a new person our receptionist - who while being very nice is grounded in a different reality to this one - was right behind me asking about the location of the new starter's manager with the question "Where's Si gone?" My immediate response (and one I'm rather proud of on a mere three hours sleep) was "Vietnam". This exchange in itself, besides highlighting my on-the-ball wit, was not particularly worth highlighting - but her reaction, to ask in puzzlement "Why is Si in Vietnam?" with a baffled face as the Si gone / Saigon reference completely missed her was wonderful.

This being done, the phrase was repeated a few times during the week, with multiple chuckles. I think even today she still was utterly unaware of the double meaning of what she was saying and why people found it funny.

Well, you've got to find some way to entertain yourself at work, haven't you?

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