Tuesday, August 06, 2013

The YOLO of Fantasy

I'm sure I wasn't the first to notice this connection*, but one thing I couldn't helped be amused by the occasional visits to / references to Braavos in the Game of Thrones series was the repeated use of the phrase 'valar morghulis' which bordered on a greeting or similar. As it translates into the common speech, 'all men must die'. The worrying point is that I suddenly realised that this is no more than the Westeros equivalent of YOLO. All men must die vs you only live once? Sounds about the same to me. I have suddenly lost a lot of respect for the Braavosi.

Now I need to get myself a twitter or something else mundane so that I can tag all my daredevil-like tweets about daring things with #vm or #valarmorghulis instead of the #yolo trend so I am hip and interesting. If only I either did such events or bothered with twitter, this would be a great insight.

* A quick search proves oh how right I am on this and reminds me that I'm not the only source of original insight, particularly when I'm several years late to the source material.

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