Friday, August 16, 2013

Target Hit

So this morning I managed to surprise everyone, including myself, by getting up in time to go for a swim. This was closer than planned - after waking at 6am and turning over, it was only the accident of setting my alarm onto snooze rather than switching it off entirely that caused it to prompt me a second time with an audible nudge-to-the-ribs at 6:15.

Having managed to force myself up, from there it was more straightforward - remember to collect change of clothes, head to car, from there go to the leisure centre and commence with the changing and the swimming. All of which were accomplished with a minimum of hassle, and I got to work slightly earlier than necessary (reduced summer traffic can claim an assist there, I think).

This coming weekend I'm actually moderately busy - on the Saturday at least. I need to fit in a haircut, we have a gym session scheduled, I want to swing by the post office to collect a mysterious letter that came for me midweek and requires a signature, and we're at a friend's housewarming party in the evening. All in all, enough to keep us busy!

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