Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Year Two: Computer Peripherals

I actually had a subject in mind today, but realise that it would probably be more sensible to instead note that tonight - to remorselessly steal from the comedy greats - marks Chrissi's wedding anniversary, and by a surprising coincidence mine as well. It's hard to believe that it's two years ago that we got married - it seems both like no time at all and that we've been doing this forever. That is to some extent an indication that this is probably the right balance of how long something should feel like.

The untraditional gift that I got for her was a wireless mouse; not particularly because it was our anniversary but because she needed one as I had broke hers last week. It was sitting on the couch, where typically she sits with her laptop, and I had managed to knock it off the couch from its hiding place there to land with precision into a glass of water. After that it didn't work. I remembered this today when going past a computer shop near work, and decided to rectify my error.

This evening I'm working on backdating the Barcelona blogs from the weekend, so do go back and check them out.

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