Sunday, October 14, 2012

Clawing Mists

If it wasn't for my driving lesson at noon, today would have been another uneventful day lacking in achievement. However, as a result I did manage to get some ironing done, some tidying and cleaning sorted before the lesson - and accomplished nothing afterwards. I did at one point when discussing this with Chrissi almost claim showering as an accomplishment for today, which frankly means you either have done nothing worth doing or have hygiene issues, neither of which are too impressive.

A good chunk of today I've spent on Mists of Pandaria, which is increasingly growing on me. I am enjoying the quests and the effort that has been put into these - they're a lot better worked than what happened in Cataclysm and a lot less linear. You go in the same direction but can do the majority of them around different areas in whatever order you like - meaning it's not quite such a forced journey. The use of cut scenes is impressive and feels much more natural than the occasional one in WotLK or Cataclysm, when they both felt a little contrived.

Overall, I suspect that I'm going to be playing it a bit more than I expected for a while, until that shine wears off at least.

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