Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Phrases You Don't Expect To Use

Today I was off ill from work due to having a pain in my back - I pulled something around my left shoulder and it made the slightest movement really rather painful. This is not the sort of thing you expect to be saying at a mere 27 years old. I've also so far left out the punchline - that I managed to pull a muscle (as I now suspect) by doing the ironing.

This was so annoying last night that I didn't even blog on my planned subject - it was painful to move my left hand when typing, and typing with a single hand is so alien to me that it was too much effort; so I posted a pre-prepared blog instead. I hope you don't mind.

The net result was in my sleeping badly, getting up late, trying to get up and then realising that there was still a lot of pain if I tried to do something controversial like move my left arm. This ended up in me sensibly calling in sick, which was a good idea as there were far too many unexpected twinges and pains throughout the day - you simply don't realise how much you use those muscles until you hurt something, but even turning your head around gave sudden and unexpected pain.

After a day of rest it's better now, so I hope to be able to go back into work tomorrow without issue, but likely with much mockery coming my way.

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