Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hour Bonus

Daylight Saving Time kicked in last night for us here in the UK - meaning an extra hour of sleep (or not, depending on whether you're awake at the time or not). The best thing about Daylight Savings Time is not that extra hour, but how some clocks will now automatically update while others will not.

This means that while I got up at a relatively lazy midday-ish, got downstairs, did several menial tasks - putting in a load of washing, doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen - I glanced at the clock on the oven to discover it was a little after two. Not too bad - I congratulated myself on a decent effort and came to the computer. When the computer - with DST already taking effect - booted up, I was pleased to discover it was not even 1:15, meaning that I'd taken a good deal less of the day up than I thought with such mundanities and that I had another hour to spend.

The discovery of a bonus hour is definitely a nice feeling. I won't do anything with that extra hour, mind, but it's nice to have it!

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