Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Biscuit Bane

I've mentioned before about the allure of the biscuit tin at work - and recently we've found an excellent way of combatting this - don't fill up the tin. As astonishing as it is simple, this actually works.

Another entertaining point that worked well was that we had a temporary message on the top written in fridge magnets. This originally started off as 'donate first' but in an accidental homage to the Fawlty Towers title sequence, this became a new anagram game instead to play with.

Surprisingly this worked as well as the tin being empty - as opposed to going and having a biscuit when I wanted a 15 second break, I'd instead go and play with the letters and make a new combination of words. It was bizarrely successful, although with the tin currently being empty and abandoned, it's not really necessary at the moment.

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