Monday, October 08, 2012

Barcelona III of III

Today was our final day in Barcelona, so we resolved to make the most of it before the trip back. In both our cases, this was particularly to make the most of the glorious weather before we returned to England and forgot what the sun looked like for a few months. However, we were both a bit tired from the walking in the sun for most of two days, so we moderated our plan as a result.

We started the day by setting off for Sagrada Familia, the Gaudi cathedral at the heart of the development around the early 20th century. It's odd to see a modern cathedral - and it is both spectacular and still in progress. We had hoped to see inside it, but even at a decent time in the morning the queue snaked around three sides of the building and we didn't want to spend all of our last day in a queue. We slowly circumnavigated the building and headed on.

Our second stop of the day was Park Guell, which was another part of the city both inhabited by and contributed to by Gaudi. This had been planned as an early housing development, but only one house was built and it is now known as a great park, with beautiful architectural pieces throughout. We wandered through it, admiring and enjoying it - as well as the great views back across the city.

The return journey took us back towards the waterfront and we sat and rested by the water in the port for a good hour - a very pleasant way of relaxing that it's hard to do at home! After that we slowly made our way back via a last couple of photo shots to get a bite to eat, get back to the hotel, get back to the airport and finally get back to England.

It was raining when we landed back into England. It was almost as if to drive the point home. We were not best impressed.

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