Monday, September 02, 2013

Moral Dilemma

Today I was faced with a mild moral dilemma, the sought that cause liberally and socially-minded people such as myself to wring their hands at length. While at work, I was going to the toilet (I'll skip over the irrelevant details) when I noticed a £5 note on the floor that had likely fallen out of someone's pocket. Retrieving this, I was then faced with a quandry as to what to do.

Obviously, being merely a note it would be challenging to identify its previous owner. I could have sent out some form of communication to the building, but that would been as likely to lead to a false claimant as a genuine one. The sum itself was not substantial enough to be significant, but then I also felt that holding onto it myself was equally improper.

The solution quickly became obvious: while I could not return it, and did not want to keep it, tomorrow I will therefore purchase cakes for work with this discovered note, and so share the wealth amongst all.

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