Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Titbits from Today

A selection of minor side-comments and activities from today:

Final Chinese: While we will often go to the nearby Chinese restaurant for lunch, today was an emotional day as it represented our final visit (the office is moving - more on this later). This was an unplanned visit, but as I had neglected to pack a lunch (late leaving) I deemed that serendipity had ruled in my favour and so I joined the group heading out for lunch. No tears were shed but it was a close run thing.

One-off Quip: In response to a comment that the strategy for dealing with the increased radioactive leaks by smothering the entire place in concrete: "Well it worked well with Croydon". Always an easy target. Poor Croydon.

Detour Smugness: As traffic came to a crawl on my journey home, a police car came racing through and I could see where it stopped in the distance. Anticipating the crawl would become even slower, I managed to make it across all three lanes to the exit which I had fortunately come to a halt by. I figured that a longer route home would be quicker as I wouldn't expect to be moving too soon. About 40 minutes later - and despite an unplanned further detour by virtue of taking the wrong turning - I arrived back home, and at the same time heard on the radio that the A3 was closed northbound. Smugness level: significant.

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