Monday, September 16, 2013

Car Foibles

It is additionally frustrating on a day where I had been ready for work keen and early for any day, let alone Monday, to be then hamstrung by car problems once more. The consequence of a cold night and a sulking battery meant that while I was awake and ready to head to work, my car was of a different opinion. Fortunately I had my laptop still with me from working at Wimbledon on Friday, so it meant an unplanned day of working from home.

On returning to the house I called our breakdown cover to get someone out to at least give it a short sharp shock awake - and not long after (only about twenty minutes), someone arrived. Which is where the comedy of the morning starts.

As the car was parked down the street, I had to rush outside quickly to intercept the van, point out where the car was and the like. This was done, my battery was jumped, the car turned on, and I was advised to give it 25 minutes to charge up. As my phone had been left on the kitchen table I entertained myself by reading the car manual and staring out of the window, idly wondering why I hadn't seen Chrissi go past me yet on her way to work.

After giving my car the 25 minutes running to recharge the battery (and a couple of extra minutes for good measure), I left my car and started to walk back up the road to the house. In doing so I met Chrissi who was heading down the road and rather relieved to see me. Apparantly in my haste to catch the breakdown man I had allegedly left the door slightly ajar (the door is also in the sulking club and sometimes doesn't close properly when you think you have closed it). Coming down to the door not closed, my phone on the table, my laptop on and me nowhere to be seen, Chrissi was puzzled. Wondering if I had popped to the shops, had gone somewhere else or simply been stolen, she waited a little while as she didn't know if I had my keys with me. I understand that she was going to see if my car was around when I passed her in the street. Relieved, she headed off to work, I returned to the house.

This entertainment over with, I resumed the day and continued to work from home (by the time the car was running it would've been far too late to head into work), although I did take the car on a short drive at lunchtime to make it less moody for tomorrow - we can but hope!

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