Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Summary: Swords & Sex

Late to the game, Chrissi and I are starting to watch Game of Thrones, and have gotten a little way into the first series which we have at the top of our list with LoveFilm. So far we're six episodes in and have tonight crossed off 5 and 6 - not bad going considering they are an hour each and only arrived this morning. This in itself should be an indication as to how well they're going down.

While I will try to avoid spoilers, as I'm sure not all of my readers have seen the films or read the books - speaking of going down ... yes, it's all about the sex. And if not all about the sex, then there is at least a large amount of gratutitous nudity. The chief scene for a revelation or great moment of character development seems to be in a brothel / in an amorous lady whose affections can be bought.

However, despite my typical slant, I'm not going to subject Game of Thrones to too much mockery. It's actually really good - well cast, well acted, well contrived and well written. There aren't wasted scenes or obvious tangents, the plot is gritty and complex and the violence ... well, that's the other main feature.

The violence is not lacking in subtlety and is both brutal and explicit. This is actually something I'm not complaining about hugely - note my criticism of Merlin's "hit with the flat of the sword, kick over, win fight" combat style back in the autumn. In fact, anything less would probably seem ineffective and fake, considering the brutal reality that resounds around most of the plot.

We're moving quite fast through the series and there's a lot still to come before we hit season two - I'm sure more updates will be forthcoming.

1 comment:

Relaya said...

A lot to come? There's sadly only 10 episodes a season. Alas that means I only have two more episodes and then begins the long wait for season four. Le sigh.