Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Today became a frustrating day as it resulted in staying a long time at work. I didn't end up leaving until past nine, at this point having not yet eaten (although this part was soon resolved). I had ended up helping out with testing for a project for a key client, which was crucial to go live as the client had become increasingly fed up with lack of progress - and other such fun things.

This resulted in my need to help between 10-12, which quickly extended throughout the entire day as fixes were made, new versions were put up, new issues discovered, new fixes made, original issues discovered reappearing like a code-themed game of Whack-a-mole. We released a little after 7 and then hit several painful issues to the key thing we were trying to fix - which were eventually resolved.

The most entertaining fixture of the day was that I somehow obtained the nickname 'destroyifier' for my ability to quickly break code. I'm not sure how but I have an unerring knack of hitting onto issues and bugs without any seeming effort - if a new fix can past my seeming sixth sense then it's clearly pretty sound. Or so the logic goes!

I ended up returning home at a little after 11pm - enough time to write a blog, prep a blog for tomorrow and head to bed. As tomorrow's blog is predicated on me going for a swim I need to achieve this to avoid having to rewrite.

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