Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hasty Rewrite

As anyone who caught yesterday's blog will have accurately predicted, after a busy day yesterday and a late finish I wasn't really prepared to get up early this morning - let alone to get up earlier and go for a swim, and so I was forced into a redraft of this evening's planned blog.

Instead of the swim I opted to remain in bed, cocooned in the warmth of the covers until I reluctantly emerged around 30 minutes when I should usually arise (and an entire 90 minutes after my theoretical swim-motivated bed departure). I had opted to go in a little later as soon as I realised quite how lethargic I was feeling this morning. That is one plus point - I can decide to go in a little later and noone at work will bat an eyelid, wag a finger, shake their head, cock an eyebrow or make any other cliched gesture indicating disapproval. Having worked an extra 4-5 hours the previous day you would expect so too!

As it happened I ended up in the middle of things and as opposed to finishing earlier as planned to snatch back some time of my own, I managed to still leave an hour later.

Tomorrow, however, I will leave early as I am only working for half a day. I have the afternoon off as Chrissi and I are headed up to Leeds, and we will leave a few hours earlier as a result (particularly as Chrissi is released from her work much earlier on a Friday).

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