Friday, October 29, 2010

Three Days In One

So, I've been a little behind - of sorts, by not actually saying anything these past few days.

Simply put, Wednesday I had a reoccurrence of the overall cold / cough irritation that meant I was off from work being sick. Feeling better on Thursday, I was in work once more, and that evening after work I was at the pub with people from work. I think there was a reason - someone may be leaving at some point soon - but I wasn't really sure.

Today I had a meeting in the morning at a different location, and this afternoon is my time off in lieu from last Friday's release. Hence why I am typing this from the comfort of my home midway through the afternoon instead of being at work!

This weekend I must focus on ensuring all the details Chrissi needs for her visa application by way of supporting documentation, and ensure that this is all duly forwarded to her by way of post so that she can use it. Besides that, I have a backlog of ironing and other typical tasks to procrastinate on!

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