Friday, October 08, 2010

Evening Blogging

This is actually the first blog I have written since being in the US that has been written so late that I've actually had to fix the time - the 8 hour time difference means that it's hard to get them in the right day quite so easily otherwise!

Today more of my family arrived - my cousin and his girlfriend, and also my aunt and uncle. This is now my entire half of the wedding guest list sorted - besides a couple who we both know who I am try to claim as mutual guests! We went down to San Diego with most of my family, and had a nice walk around on the waterfront, Seaport Village and Balboa Park. Similar to my blog on the subject four years ago, I did not meet Ron Burgundy either.

Besides the overwhelming feeling of confusion (see yesterday's "what are my family doing here with me" bemusement), the weirdest moment was on the return trip. Rachel, Chrissi and I came back to hers briefly so she could pick up some of Chrissi's older books. Rachel in Chrissi's room made absolutely no sense!

This will be ramped up tenfold when all my family are here!

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