Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Organisation and Coordination

Besides spending most of yesterday laughing with much amusement at the confused reaction that Californians have to rain, I've been doing a lot of coordination. But first the rain thing - it was barely spitting, if that, and wet enough for the ground to be a little wet too. Later in the day there was some proper rain. The amount that people went on, you'd think it had been a week-long torrential deluge. I think this says more about the California weather than anything else!

So the organising part - yesterday Chrissi and I had to go down and officially get our marriage license, which was done with a minimum of fuss. This was the only real uncertainty in the whole process, so to have it done without any issues - just a confirmation of IDs and affirmation that the details were correct - was pleasing!

Besides this I have been mostly trying to help coordinate my family, who start to arrive tomorrow but others also arrive later in the week. This involves who is landing where and when, who will be meeting them and other such details. So far it all seems rather straightforward, which is hopeful!

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