Sunday, October 03, 2010

A Day Late

Well, I am about a day late in posting this as I have now been in America for approximately 24 hours as I post this. I would have said something yesterday but for the fact that I spent most of the day either doing nothing or sleeping! In case anyone only checks my status from my blogs, I thought it only fair to post that I am indeed alive and well and landed safely.

Eventually I went to sleep at 7pm, woke up at 1am and went back to sleep again not long after for another 6 hours or so. It's not too surprising that I was in need of sleep as I had been up since 6am UK time - or 10pm the night before California time! Add to that only about two hours of sleep (drinking diet cokes takes its toll once more) and I was a little tired by the end of the day!

Since then I've been trying to coordinate anything necessary for this week, which is very little so instead I've been trying to just find out exactly when each part of my family flies in, and work out what happens then.

In an amusing aside, I was listening to the radio on the plane on the way over, and in classic film-style cliche, the song playing as we came into land was Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA. This is so tragically set up it feels like it came straight out of a film. I only hope that the rock station has its playlist organised so that when I land back in the UK in a fortnight's time, it's then playing The Clash's London Calling to keep the cliche balance.

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