Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Illness Paradox

Today the persistent cold that has been dogging me for a few days - and that I thought I had beaten at the end of last week - sprung up once more. I spent a large part of the day blowing my nose and grumbling to myself under my breath.

The paradox refers to whether it's right to go into work in these circumstances. As I'm ill, being far less productive and probably infecting everyone else around me, it makes sense not to go in - recover for a day, and go in well and ready the next day. However, if you do that with the 'excuse' of a cold - then it doesn't sound too convincing.

You have to go in for a day - and then having proved how unproductive you are at work and how liable you are to infect everyone, you're then able to be off ill the next day once you're better once you've infected everyone and it's too late!

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