Sunday, August 08, 2010

Extended Weekend

In return for the many hours which I sacrificed in blood, sweat and tears for work over July, I have in return been granted two and a half days of time off in lieu. These are being taken this coming Monday, Tuesday and a half-day of Wednesday afternoon. According to the previously noted laws of blogging, as I am planning to do nothing I will therefore be blogging a lot.

My day yesterday was of moderate success, the main triumphs being a haircut and not much else. Today I have sorted out some more wedding details to help finalise what will be going out with the invitations. The other achievement was filling a charity donation bag with lots of abandoned clothes from the back of my wardrobe, to attempt to clean that out a little.

We're now only nine weeks away from the wedding (in fact, as I write this it is pretty much exactly nine weeks to the time when the reception will be hosted). So far it's difficult. Not in terms of doing what we want, or finding places, or the more traditional wedding worries. Our main issue is continual difficulties in getting what we want, even on simple subjects.

Perhaps I'm being too selfish on our behalf. I don't know. But I feel that when it's a wedding, it should be about the couple and what they want. If not, then what's the point?

1 comment:

Relaya said...

Well it's supposed to be entirely what you two want. And rumor has it, in truly loving families, that actually happens! :o