Monday, August 02, 2010

Blogging Paradox

I've remarked before of the paradox I typically have when blogging. When I have nothing to say, I have lots of time to say it in. When I'm busier, then I never find the time to talk about all the many things I may be doing!

Tonight was football, which was pleasant. Last week I was busy with work which involved a lot of time and a couple of evenings of dedication. Not much more on that though, because talking about work is rather boring usually.

However, it's that or become one of those insufferable people who, just because I've gotten engaged and therefore happen to be planning a wedding, feel the need to share every detail about it with everyone. Fortunately, at work other people have appointed themselves town criers on my behalf, so I don't actually need to tell everyone as they will do it for me.

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