Monday, August 23, 2010


Today is Monday and the first weekday as I come back from work without knowing quite what to do with myself due to there being no computer to instantly waste my evening on. In a way, this is a good thing.

However, as tonight was football, this didn't actually bother me that much! It was a good hour and a half once more running around with some occasional moments of slightly better play - playing on a weekly basis is starting to pay off, and I did score three goals as well (miraculously). This sounds not so good when I point out that due to a missing player it was 5v4, and the final score was something absurd like 24-17. However, I was happy with my small triumph.

The health benefits of playing were immediately undone when in a silly act of hunger on reaching the station, I then bought something to snack on which undid and more any small strides I may have taken towards greater fitness.

To change tack, I promised I wouldn't over-countdown, but this weekend marks both seven weeks and under 50 days until our wedding. Exciting!

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